
Preliminary Study Of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Potential In Muara Wahau Area, Kutai Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a process in which coal is converted in situ to a combustible gas that can be used as a fuel, chemical feedstock and syngas (Walker, 1999). Based on BP’s statistical review of world energy (2011), Indonesian coal reserves reach 0.6% of world coal reserves, but 85% of these reserves are low-medium quality that are not economic for conventional coal mining. In this region underground coal gasification has much to offer. Kutai Basin is one of several basins in Indonesia which produces coal. Kutai Basin is located in the eastern part of Meratus high. The Kutai basin is an inverted extensional basin located in onshore Borneo, to the west of the Makassar Straits. Coal bearing formations from this basin are Batuayau, Wahau, and Balikpapan Formations. In research the area, the coal bearing formation is the Wahau Formation. The objective of this preliminary study is to evaluate the underground coal gasification potential in the Muara Wahau Area, Kutai Basin. Analysis and integration of surface and subsurface data were used to estimate the potential UCG resource of the area. Several coal samples from Muara Wahau area were collected for laboratory analysis. Proximate analysis average from several seams in Miocene coals of Warukin Formation contains Inherent Moisture(IM) 14.07%, ash content 3.76%, Fixed Carbon (FC) 39.73%, Total Sulphur (TS) 0.14%, Calorific Value (CV) 5474 cal/g or 9853.2 Btu/lb, so in the category Sub Bituminus B based on ASTM’s standard (ASTM D388-05, 1996). The amount of coal reserves in the reseach area are 193.56 million tonnes coal insitu. UCG gas volume that used each ton of coal is 0.167 MMscf (Ralanarko and Khaeri, 2009). UCG gas reserve is 32.32 Bscf, that is sufficient for 400 MW electricity power for 80 years. This technology can be used to overcome the energy crisis in Indonesia.

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