
Production Optimization with Re-Design Waterflood Pattern in Tempino Oilfield, Jambi

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Tempino field is a mature field produced by Pertamina EP since 1941. The potential of this field alone amounted to 335 MBBL with RF @ Np 26.4%. One of the attempts that have been undertaken to increase production from this field is conducting secondary recovery such as water flooding. This technique was performed since 1996 and was a remarkable success by increasing the production of approximately 600 bopd until its peak at 2300 bopd in 2000. In January 2013, 314 km² of 3D seismic data was acquired in the Tempino area. Inline seismic data consists of migrated poststack in which migration has been. Done. Tempino structure has a 3D-seismic data is seismic post stack that has been migrated. Visual appearance of the seismic data indicates good quality for structural interpretation. Interpretation results of 3D seismic was completed in early 2014 which resulted in structural map which is quite different to previous structural map. Timelie with different map structure can be seen in the following figure. Keywords: Production Optimization, Water flooding, Re pattern, Mature Field

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