
Re-Consideration of Hydrocarbon Migration in North Madura Platform Area, An Implication to the New Exploration Potential

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

North Madura Platform has been proven as a prolific hydrocarbon producer, located adjacent to two mature kitchens, namely the Madura SubBasin in the south and the Central Deep in the north and west. Hydrocarbon long distance migration occurred on carrier beds and faults up the dip slope from the Madura Sub-Basin before inversion took place at around ~7mya. However the hydrocarbon migration from the Central Deep remains in question, since it is bounded by a steep border fault, combined with predicted very poor reservoir quality of syn-rift deposits along the fault. A novel study has revealed schemes of hydrocarbon migration from the Central Deep to the North Madura Platform. The structural reconstruction indicates that the faults were less active in the Upper Ngimbang time which coincided with the development of the Ngimbang Carbonates of late syn-rif deposits. All of these components are critical in the evaluation of migration and trapping mechanisms. The sealing/leaking capability of the faults become another key factor of hydrocarbon migration. Fault seal analysis has been conducted involving the three order of assessments and has been run for both present-day and for the period of peak hydrocarbon migration. Oil geochemistry and basin modeling analysis indicated that North Madura Platform oil was charged by both kitchens, which confirmed the presence of different oil families. Family 1, which was sourced from mixed terrigenous-algal organofacies, is concentrated in the northern and western part of the platform, and predicted to have been sourced from the Central Deep, with similar characteristics to those oils discovered in JS-1 Ridge. Family 2, which was sourced from dominantly terrigenous organofacies, is concentrated in the southern part of the platform, and predicted to be sourced from the Madura SubBasin. This study has led to a new hydrocarbon migration path model from the Central Deep to the North Madura Platform, and has provided identification of a number of attractive exploration potentials in the area.

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