
Sandban sand treatment in Duri Steam Flood

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

SandBan is a treatment technique designed to consolidate sand and reduce the service frequency associated with producing severe sand problem wells. The SandBan process consists of the production of furan resin system by injecting a mixture of furfury1 alcohol and texsol solvent catalyst solution into the steam at the wellhead.This treatment has been applied at the Kern River field-USA and has proven an effective means of sand control. Kern River wells however, are cased hole perforated and treatment intervals were limited to less than 50 feet.This paper documents the results of applying the SandBan sand treatment technique to large gravel packed intervals.Failure due to sanding frequency is a major problem in Duri Steam Flood. During 1993, approximately 1500 routine service jobs were directly attributed to production of fine or formation sand. Therefore, a total of 20 candidate wells was selected to test the SandBan sand treatment technique. The treatment interval varied from 32 feet to 323 feet and the completion types of these wells included open hole gravel pack, case hole gravel pack, and cased hole perforated wells. Initial treatment was conducted in April 1993 and the last in July 1993. The SandBan sand treatment effectively reduced the service frequency in 83% of well tested.

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