
Seismic data processing for a crucial 2014 2D seismic data acquisition decision in S area, South Sumatra block, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Acquisition of 2D and 3D land seismic data is one of Medco’s ongoing exploration projects in South Sumatera Block in 2014. The 2D land seismic data acquisitions is located in P, Q, R, and S Areas while the 3D land seismic data acquisition is located in U Area. This report focuses only on 2D land seismic data acquisition in S Area. We planned to shoot 5 2D seismic lines in order to obtain a better definition of the trap on a lead in this area. Later on, we decided to first shoot only the initial seismic line instead of all 5 lines which had been originally proposed. The continuity of the acquisition process for other lines over the lead relies on the objective achievement of the initial seismic line processing results. Soon after the initial seismic line had been shot, we directly processed the data through Medco in-house processing and through a Contractor. The objective of this processing is to assess a mounded “reflection anomaly” above the regional Top Baturaja horizon, it is a Baturaja carbonate build-up or part of the lower Telisa. The anomaly was initially interpreted as a Baturaja carbonate build-up on the older, poorer quality seismic data. If the new initial 2D seismic line acquisition and processing confirmed the anomaly as a likely Baturaja carbonate build-up then we would continue to shoot the remaining 5 lines. The same raw seismic data may appear a bit different in final processed form based on algorithms used, processing flow approach, and processor experience. At the level of the lead in the S Area, the two seismic images which were processed by Medco in-house processing and the Contractor were 90% correlate-able and neither of them supported the Baturaja carbonate build-up that was initially interpreted on the older, poorer quality seismic. In conclusion, given Medco comprehensive processing result compared favorably to the Contractor’s, we decided to not shoot the remaining seismic lines acquisition over the lead in S Area and thus saved Medco at least $200,000.

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