
Seismic Quality Monitoring in Quantitative Way During Acquisition and Processing, Case Study: Offshore Geophysical Site Survey in Sisi-Nubi and South Mahakam Area

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

This paper summarizes the process of measuring the desired improvements in a quantitative approach using appropriate predefined seismic attributes, during the seismic acquisition and processing campaign. The application of the procedure was done in several steps to verify and quantify the progress towards the desired data quality. By understanding the geophysical specificities required for this case study (which was intended for shallow gas hazard assessment), a suite of dedicated Seismic Quality Monitoring attributes was designed which best corresponds to the seismic data set. The same methodology can also be applied for the purpose of reservoir characterization or exploration. The monitoring process was started in the acquisition phase during parameters selection (gun depth and volume). Several key attributes were assessed which mainly focus on signal quality, by measuring the signal intrinsic characteristics (frequency, phase and amplitudes). The concept of resolution is closely linked to the seismic maximum frequency and it is measured from the autocorrelation time width. The second step was during processing stage of the data. In this stage several attributes were computed in order to maintain the lateral consistency. This monitoring methodology was applied successfully from the very beginning of the seismic project (acquisition) throughout the final product, which resulted on the high quality dataset deliverables. The seismic acquisition itself covered 3 locations (Jumelai, WPS3 and WPN4) with a total length of 327.9km.

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