
Sequence stratigraphic correlation and sedimentological implications, East Java Basin: comparisons and lessons learned from outcrop and subsurface studies

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011

ExxonMobil Indonesia has been conducting field trips to East Java to honor the memory of Ted Apotria, a colleague that passed away in 2009. The field trips include visits to the Rembang and Kendeng Zones and compare the stratigraphic and tectonic observations of the outcrop areas to the subsurface in the Cepu area. Through discussions with field trip participants from both the geosciences and engineering disciplines, a new stratigraphic framework was developed in the East Java Basin to correlate between the Oligocene- Miocene outcrops in the Rembang Hills to subsurface core and seismic data in the onshore Cepu Block. Outcrop exposures have been regionally correlated to sub-surface well and seismic data sets constrained by biostratigraphic and strontium isotope age control. The subsurface also provides further control for the older part of the Tertiary stratigraphy not exposed in outcrops.The stratigraphy of the outcrop and subsurface locations record the interplay between tectonics, sediment supply and reservoir quality during the evolution of the East Java Basin. This provides important control for understanding the timing of clastic influx and the effect on the distribution of carbonate rocks and reservoirs because the multiple producing intervals reside in the two lithologies (carbonates and sandstones) and are bounded by seals of different ages and lithologies. A detailed understanding of the stratigraphic evolution of sandstone and carbonate prone intervals has been essential to efficient exploration and production of natural resources within the complicated tectonostratigraphic setting of the East Java Basin.

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