
Shallow to Deep Marine Depositional Environment Analysis Based on Outcrop Study in Padalarang, West Java

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

This study area is located in Padalarang outcrop where three major formations exposed, Rajamandala Formation (Oml) consists of limestone, Citarum Formation (Mts,Mtb) consists of fine to coarse clastic detrital sedimentary rocks, and Cantayan Formation (Mtts) consists of fine grained clastic detrital sedimentary rocks. The methods used in the study are geological surface mapping including outcrop observation, measuring stratigraphic section on selected sites, petrography and microfossil analysis. The facies development of Oligocene – Pliocene shows evidence of depositional environment changes from shallow marine to deep marine. The Rajamandala Formation has a complex history of carbonate facies development. The diagenetic phases can be simplified into three major events, (1) Oligocene-Miocene when the carbonate accumulation started, (2) Early Miocene-Pliocene when overburden started over the Rajamandala Formation, and (3) until Recent where uplifting occurred and limestone was exposed and started to erode. Based on foraminiferal study, Citarum Formation and Cantayan Formation were deposited in deep marine environments and have occurence of thin to thick bedded turbidite deposits. The outcrops from these formations offer an excellent opportunity to study the depositional environment and facies analysis of tertiary reef. It can be used as an analogue lithology, facies, and depositional environment in the carbonate and deep marine environment.

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