
Shifting the needle towards leading indicators to eliminate serious injuries

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

For years ExxonMobil Indonesia has been delivering world-class lagging indicator safety results. However, lagging indicators are unreliable predictors for future performance. In order to eliminate serious injuries in current and future operations, cross-functional organizations within ExxonMobil Indonesia as “one team working together” started to shift the needle towards leading indicators, focusing on incidents that have potential for severe injuries. This approach is called “Mining the Diamond”. First, operational risks are continuously screened and fit-for-risk barriers are established. Effective risk communication is a key step. Second, the workforce is encouraged to take part in risk and hazard hunts, particularly in identifying unsafe acts, behaviors, or conditions that could lead to serious incidents or pose higher operational risks. Third, the learnings from significant safety events, including near misses, are shared cross-functionally, and steps immediately taken to mitigate the risks. These initiatives have resulted in more balanced safety performance indicators between lagging and leading, and have also fostered a culture of learning. Attention to leading indicators is the only way to ensure that the safety of our people does not rely on luck. This is crucial to eliminate serious injuries and enhance safety results so that “Nobody Gets Hurt” becomes a reality.

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