
Small scale lng: an energy solution for regional economic development

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Gas pipeline infrastructure in Indonesia is currently lacking and available only in some areas. With the country’s long term strategic plan to develop all parts of Indonesia, huge efforts will be needed to develop an extensive pipeline network to connect all regions of the country. These efforts are even more difficult because Indonesia is an archipelago. A solution to deliver gas from gas-rich areas to energy-hungry areas is proposed in the form of small scale LNG, whether delivered from existing plants or from new facilities to be built in other gas-rich areas. In a simpler perspective, LNG can be an ideal solution to deliver gas from areas with a gas pipeline network to areas without a gas pipeline network. Black & Veatch’s PRICO® LNG technology has been used worldwide since its invention in the early 1970s. It is presented as the prime example of LNG technology suited for small scale plants. More than 20 small scale LNG facilities have been built around the world with the majority of plants located in the United States and China. It is utilized for applications such as peak-shaving and fuel distribution for power generation, industrial consumption, city gas, and transportation fuel. The successful implementation of small scale LNG technology in many countries provides a strong basis for the implementation of the technology in Indonesia, which can support the economic growth of the regions, as well as the country in general.

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