
Structural description of Adang Fault, Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The, presence of Adang Fault is critical to the development of overall Neogene depositions in the southern part of North Makassar Basin. It is believed that the fault has been one of the key players to many deepwater depositional sequences toward the north-northeast. Hence, some of the provenances of deepwaters have been interpreted to be derived from Paternoster Platform where Adang Fault located at the northern border separating the platform from the basin to the northeast. In subsurface, Adang Fault is descriptively defined using seismic lines partially crossing Paternoster Platform. It is a fault zone showing a group of series of relatively smaller branching faults in a very similar strike towards northwest-southeast but have different dip angle and direction forming normal fault splays of the transtensional strike-slip with dextral movement. The deepwater reservoir depositions within post-Eocene mega-sequence are interpreted as the results of Paternoster Platform uplift and Adang Fault activities. These depositional episodic seems to continue until present day as shown in seismic lines. All fault splays continue to reach the sea floor, however, toward northwest the faults die out consistently with increasing in water depth and quickly covered by Plio-Pleistocene sediments. It is noted that the erosion in the base of sea floor channels are related to the fault’s activity at the sea floor.

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