
Successful Execution of high-pressure Fracturing Treatments Case Study and best Practices from East Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Ann. Conv., 2010

The deep gas fields located in the Mahakam Delta of East Kalimantan, Indonesia contain several zones of medium permeability (0.1 to 300 mD) at depths between 9,000 feet and 13,000 feet TVD. Though the permeability is quite good for gas bearing formations, the majority of the wells targeting these sands have failed to produce at expected rates. In the 1980s, VICO Indonesia fractured 35 wells in Badak, Nilam, and Semberah fields in an attempt to unlock these low producing reserves. Of these treatments only 10 were deemed successful. Since 2007, 11 additional wells have been chosen for fracturing in Nilam, Tambora, and Handil fields. By developing and implementing a comprehensive list of best practices for fracturing in the area, we have been able to significantly improve the likelihood of success in these later treatments. While the points discussed will not apply to all areas, fields, or formations, they may be helpful to spark ideas for solutions to similar problems that may be encountered elsewhere.

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