
Successful Sub-ERD Sidetrack Well in Offshore

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

In the difficult economic condition, oil companies might take higher challenges to grasp only marginal stake. A drilling project in Sisi-Nubi field in Offshore Mahakam, sub-Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) sidetrack well had to be planned to reach long departure targets from existing platform with no available slot. By comparing to a conventional well, sub-ERD sidetrack well is considered risky. Particularly during drilling in a field with wellbore prone of instability issues such as in Sisi-Nubi field. The well has been successfully delivered as the first sub-ERD sidetrack project in Offshore Mahakam. It had highest drilling envelope among other Sisi-Nubi wells and successfully delivered below target planned on budget and time duration. This paper aims to review challenges and strategies carried out during the operation involving application of ERD practices and real time engineering approach, which could be promising for future similar wells. Well challenges were intensely evaluated at the beginning of the project. Strategic plans were reviewed thoroughly on each phases, including difficulties and mitigations throughout the operation. Since wellbore stability and holecleaning were identified as major challenges during drilling long and high deviated open hole section, real time engineering monitoring approach had been deployed. The details will be explained especially on torque and drag observation to analyze hole response for any given reaction. Applying good ERD drilling practices and deployment of real time engineering approach become keys success factors in delivering the well below target planned budget and time duration. Successful sub-ERD sidetrack well has broadened the learning curve in the Offshore Mahakam area this project could be a point of reference for other future similar Offshore Mahakam re-entry project in the future.

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