
Tertiary carbonates distribution and oil potential in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., Carbonate Seminar, 1976

The distribution of Tertiary carbonate formation is closely related to the development of the stable Sunda landmass in Western Indonesia and the Arafura platform in Eastern Indonesia. The most widespread distribution of carbonates is found in the Lower Miocene, following the peneplanation and gradual submergence of the Sunda landmass. Carbonate reservoirs covering the older grabens and reefs near the shelfedge or developed on isolated highs have been shown to be hydrocarbon bearing. A second less extensive phase of carbonate formation took place in Mio-Pliocene time. Their hydrocarbon potential has still to be proven. Carbonate deposition on the Arafura Platform was widespread from the Eocene and continues almost uninterruptedly until the Upper Miocene. Fields show that reefs developed on the shelfedges are the important loci for petroleum accumulation.

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