
The Donggi gas field discovery - a challenge for Pertamina for finding and developing new hydrocarbon reserves in the future

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 29th Ann. Conv., 2003

Recognizing the importance of oil and gas to the Indonesia economy, Pertamina - as the National State Oil and Gas Company - has been aggressively exploring for new hydrocarbon reserves. Various exploration projects have been employed to meet the reserves addition objectives.In September 2001, the Donggi-1 wildcat well, located in the Matindok block, Central Sulawesi, was drilled to a total depth of 2,498 mbrt (meter below rotary table). A total of 133 m thick limestone layers were discovered and tested at 9.5-19.6 mmscf/d (million standard cubit feet per day). Following the success of Donggi-1, more wells were drilled to verify the expansion and extension of the limestone layer in the Matindok block.Preliminary estimates show that the reserves in this structure exceed 2.7 tcf (trillion cubic feet) and if combined with the Senoro gas field, operated by JOB-PETS (Joint Operating Body-Pertamina-Exspan Tomori Sulawesi), the reserves would approach 6.0 millions tcf. The Senoro gas field is located at +/- 30 km from the Donggi block.The Donggi team has continued its efforts to plan and drill additional appraisal wells in onshore and offshore locations as well as to perform 3D seismic in the Matindok block as many leads and prospects remain. Some of these prospects have been drilled and tested with additional gas reserves proven.This paper describes the lessons learned from the Donggi gas well discovery and reviews thte preparations, operations, and the project completion using the integrated project management. This paper also reviews the scenarios of possible gas field development in the near future. The discovery of the Donggi gas field highlights the success of Pertamina's exploration efforts and has encouraged the Pertamina team to increase their efforts to achieve the goal of finding new hydrocarbon reserves in the future.

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