
The Mesozoic tectonic setting of SE Sundaland based on metamorphic evolution

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Based on metamorphic evolution, tectonic setting of the Southeast Sundaland is marked by two tectonic sutures, which are partitioned by Paternoster micro-continent. The first is Jurassic accretionary remnant located to the west of the micro-continent and represents the existence of the Meratus Suture. The metamorphic belt extends offshore beneath the Java sea and extends northward to the Mangkalihat Peninsula or to western part of Central Sulawesi. Part of the Jurassic high-pressure belt had been overprinted toward medium pressure even thermal metamorphism during further geologic events toward the Cretaceous Barrovian even Buchan type metamorphisms. It was triggered by elevating heat flow as respon to the crustal thickening due to collision of the Paternoster against Sundaland in the early Cretaceous and subsequent Cretaceous calc alkaline magmatism. The second is Cretaceous accretionary complex, located to the east of the micro-continent. It extends from Karangsambung in Java, Bantimala-Latimojong-Pompangeo in Sulawesi and surrounds eastern part of Paternoster Platform and West Sulawesi Continent. This subduction belt was a curve high-pressure metamorphic belt in Southeast Sundaland. High and ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks of The BantimalaMelange Complex and The Luk Ulo Melange Complex together with their ophiolite are cropped out since early Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene Periods respectively. During Cretaceous Time, high temperature low pressure metamorphism occurred in The Meratus Mangkalihat Belt, on the contrary high pressure low temperature metamorphism was happened in the Karangsambung-Bantimala-Pompangeo Belt. Both metamorphic belts represent the Cretaceous paired metamorphic belts in Southeastern Sundaland which have been cropped out since early Late Cretaceous. Keywords: Sundaland, Suture, High Pressure Low Temperature, High Temperature Low Pressure Metamorphism, Paternoster Platform, Paired Metamorphic Belts.

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