
Tugu Barat Mini Integrated Plant for small scale natural gas utilization

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

There are still many gas fields in Indonesia that have not been developed. At the present time associated gas from oil field development tends to be flared for technical and economic reasons. A model for small scale natural gas utilization needs to be developed. Small scale facilities can utilize gas production to provide additional gas revenues which are economic to be developed. This paper will present an example of gas utilization from a small field with limited associated gas accompanying oil production.Tugu Barat is a small field producing associated gas that is being flared. A Mini Integrated Plant has been built to utilize this associated gas production. It is designed for high level of flexibility to utilize gas in a remote marginal field. The Mini Integrated Plant consists of two main processing plants : LPC Plant and CO2 Plant. This system is designed for easy handling, is modular and easy to modify. During the operation period of the plant it has been evaluated that the Mini Integrated Plant can fully utilize the low gas production as designed and it can give an additional value for the gas that was flared. This type of plant also has a possibility to be applied to other fields with similar marginal characteristics.

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