
Volcanostratigraphy of Submarine Volcano Kumbang Fm. in Capar Area, Kuningan: Implication to Potential Volcano-Clastic Play in West Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Generally speaking West Java intra-arc area is considered unattractive for petroleum exploration, in contrast the prospectivity is proven by numerous oil and gas seeps and confirmed by (Armandita et al., 2009) Maja-1 well as the first exploration oil discovery well in Indonesia. Volcanoclastic plays in West Java intra-arc area are not fully understood. The author considers constructing comprehensive volcano stratigraphic framework may be a good approach to better understand volcanogenic processes, stratigraphic relationships with other formations and physical properties with implications to migration pathways. Submarine volcanic Kumbang Fm. within the study area is predominantly marine pyroclastic flow sequences (Martodjojo, 1989) comprised of various distal volcanic deposits, tuffaceous sandstone to silty, inter-layered with calcareous sandstone and mediocre fall volcanic rocks. Paleocurrent analyses show that submarine Kumbang Fm is pre-Late Miocene back-arc with proto-Ciremai volcanism sourcing (Mukti et al., 2008) and with interfingering lateral stratigraphic contact with the prolific Halang Fm.). The interfingering stratigraphic contact has gained broad acceptance as lateral migration pathway for hydrocarbon migration from Halang Fm to Kumbang Fm, instead of definite precondition. The objectives of this study are to examine the potential of Kumbang Fm. as volcanoclastic play in West Java Basin and achieve better understanding of conceptual geological framework as analogue to subsurface geophysical data.

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