
Well completion and lift method, Duri Steamflood

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 11th Ann. Conv., 1982

The Duri Field, one of the fields operated by P.T. Caltek Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in Central Sumatra, contained 6.0 billion barrels of oil in place originally. Enhanced recovery techniques are attractive since primary recovery will yield only 7.5 per cent of this oil. A Steamflood pilot was started in 1975 in the Duri Field which contains nine contiguous 15 acre five spot patterns of four corner injectors and one center producer. The purposes of the test were to determine operating problems and develop sufficient accurate data to determine the feasibility of an expanded, fieldwide pattern steam injection in the field. The Duri Depletion Study Team in March 1980 concluded that the steam pilot has successfully served the purposes for which it was intended. It has proved that continuous steam injection can significantly increase oil recovery over huff-puff and natural depletion. CPI is now implementing a program for expanding the pilot flood into a fieldwide pattern steamflood as recommended by the Team’s study. From an operating point of view, the main finding of the team is that the pilot was under produced due to lifting problems in producing wells. The forecasted expanded Steamflood peak oil rate, ie 300 MBOPD, is dependent on a successful sand control program and improved well lifting capabilities. This paper will cover well completion and lifting equipment designs to be used by CPI to optimize the future steamflood well productivity. It will also discuss well completion designs for steam injection wells to provide adequate injection control, minimize heat losses and allow expansion of the injection strings.

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