
Wellhead Design Standardization for Flexibility, Cost Optimization and to Minimize Stock and Inventory in TEPI (Total E&P Indonesie) Mahakam Field Area

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

TEPI (Total E&P Indonesie) operate the Mahakam PSC, a Swamp & Offshore area with 7 different fields. 8 types of wellhead configurations were initially applied for a specific casing string program, which required huge storage space because of the many variables in equipment required, high costs being incurred and less flexibility if any architecture changes occurred. A new wellhead design was developed under a new contract procurement time frame to have a standard design which could solve all of the issues related to the initial design. One group of architectures was developed for swamp single wellhead, offshore single wellhead and offshore splitter wellhead. Each group was standardized with additional interchangeability features for swamp and offshore single wellheads. The project is already in place since March 2014. A direct cost saving has been achieved of at least US$ 2.54 Million in 2015, but the most important purpose is the indirect saving of solving all of the problems and requirements that were identified from the initial design. During execution of the project, TEPI achieved a standard design to be applied in future operations but several Lesson Learned covering major problems still need to be improved.

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