IPA Participated in IBIB 2017

The IPA Board of Director, Tenny Wibowo, representing the IPA President, attended the International Business Integrity Conference (IBIC) 2017 held by Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday 12 December 2017.
Along with the IPA, there were many speakers who attended the conference, namely: Basaria Panjaitan (KPK), Muhammad Atok Urrahman (Deputy Chairman of SKK Migas for Business Support), Susyanto (Secretary to DGOG), Firlie Ganindito (National Industry and Trade Chamber), Kombes Pol. Juhartana (Wakil Dir. Ekonomi Baintelkam POLRI), and Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The IPA is one of the National Advocacy Committee members for Oil and Gas group. (PS)