
The use of permanent down-hole pressure gauges in managing uncertainty in the Belida field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 26th Ann. Conv., 1998

The permanent down-hole pressure gauges with surface readout capability used in the Belida field are believed to be the first installation in Indonesia. Eighteen permanent down-hole gauges (PDHG) were installed in strategically located Belida wells to allow proactive optimization of reservoir management. During the early period of the field development, when there were frequent fieldlwells shut-in, the gauges collected pressure buildup data, which was used in confirming many aspects of the original development plan. This paper will describe how the permanent down-hole gauges can be used to manage some critical uncertainties such as aquifer support, reservoir continuity and well operating guidelines in the Belida field.

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