
Improved tip screenout design for medium-permeability reservoirs using a modified pad equation - example from the Telisa 1,530-ft sand, Bangko field, Sumatra, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 29th Ann. Conv., 2003

The lower Miocene, Telisa 1,530-ft sand extends over an area of 20,350 acres. From a total original oil in place (OOIP) of 573 million barrels, only 1.42 million barrels have been recovered from Telisa sand to date.Early stimulation approaches involved the use of hydraulic fracturing design techniques that were more applicable to low-permeability reservoirs, which resulted in marginal production improvement. This technique was not tailored to actual reservoir conditions, where the fracture conductivity had more pronounced effect on production rates than fracture length.To enhance production and reduce lifting cost, the asset team investigated several new fracturing approaches and technologies that are better suited to the mediumpermeability Telisa 1,530-ft sand.One of the fracturing techniques utilizes a newly developed PAD equation which caused an improved tip screenout (TSO). This technique increased oil production up to 200% to 500% and lowered lifting cost.This paper will present:(1) A review of the early hydraulic fracture treatments processes, and explain the reasoning for the marginal production enhancement.(2) The development of the new PAD equation and its application to achieve TSO.(3) The discussion on the new stimulation design approach and the modeling of treatments.(4) The analysis of the production data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the stimulation treatments.

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