
Successful application of new wireline conveyed formation tester in Attaka Field : Abstract

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

Attaka Field is a giant oil field located in offshore East Kalimantan. Indonesia. It is producing oil and gas from Miocene Mahakam Delta sediments. The sediments are known to consist of multi-layered sandstone reservoirs ranging in thickness from one inch to 100 ft. Thin sandstone multi-layers and the lack of sand bodies continuity complicate formation evaluation and field development.In order to overcome this problem, sampling with wireline formation tester (RFT) has been used extensively to confirm the presence of formation fluid since years ago. However, because of the multitude of the thin-bedded sands, taking a fluid sample from each layer is not practical nor economical now.The new wireline conveyed formation tester (MDT) eliminates the necessity to take surface fluid samples for hydrocarbon confirm ation, therefore the form ation evaluation time is greatly reduced. Equipped with the downhole pump, the new tool can create controlled drawdown pressure and divert the flow from the formation probe back to the wellbore. Presence of oil, water or gas, interpreted from the resistivity reading is monitored at the surface in real time with the infrared spectrometry.This paper discussed the application and experience in using such a device in more than 10 wells in Pertamina - Unocal Production Sharing Contract's Attaka Field. A comparison review of the new tool versus the old tool is also presented.

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