
The destruction and preservation of giant light oilfields

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., International Conference on Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australasia, 1997

Study of a database of 359 giant oilfields show these to be dynamic short lived phenomena, with a median age of 35 Ma. One third show evidence for postentrapment destructive processes, particularly erosion. fault leakage and gas flushing. Biodegradation is a destructive process most active during oil entrapment. Re-entrapment of oil released from spilling or breached traps is common. These processes are illustrated with case examples from SE Asia and throughout the world.The main controls on oilfield preservation are postentrapment tectonism and seal type, with temperature arLd hydrodynamic regimes being secondary factors. Destructive processes are concentrated in shallow and deep zones and in seepage-prone traps such as compressional anticlines. Such factors strongly influence the distribution of preserved light oilfields, with preservation potential maximised in tectonically quiescent basins with evaporite or thick mudstone seals e.g. the Middle East and the Permian Basin, or in basin centres distant from inverted or uplifted zones e.g. Central Sumatra. More attention is required in prospect and regional evaluations to models involving post-entrapment leakage and re-migration.

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