
Transition zone drilling in Tunu field (Total Indonesie) : a case study

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

To establish sound drilling procedures for reaching geological and reservoir objectives safely and economically and for limiting kick occurrences and magnitudes, a method for drilling inside the transition zone has been established for the TUNU gas field TOTAL INDONESIE - East KALIMANTAN.The new approach which involves polycrystalline diamond compact bits, constant mud weight and gas indices follow up through long connection testing, has been proved to be a valid alternative to classical methods such as : high mud weights, D' exponent, etc. .... which generate higher well costs.This paper will present the technical and economical aspects of utilizing new alternative drilling procedures & a post analysis for getting cost saving and rig time efficiency.

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