
Field case of water shut-off with crosslinked polymer in Handil Field, Kalimantan, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 27th Ann. Conv., 1999

Water production is a constant burden to the petroleum industry. Without remedial action, a field's development and operating costs for water lifting and surface treatment can become prohibitive soon after its producers start cutting water. In addition, disposal of oily water has become an environmentally sensitive issue.There are many techniques for water shut-off. Cement squeeze, widely applied in the Handil Field, is cheap and effective, however, this is not always the solution. This paper describes an alternative experience of water shut-off on a Handil well by means of crosslinked polymer.Selection of the candidate well for treatment, studies, pre-job preparation, screening and laboratory testing of the polymer gel, treatment design and sequence of operation, production result and monitoring after treatment, are reviewed and discussed.Nine months after treatment the job is considered both a technical and an economical success. Further candidates and use of an even more efficient, longterm stable gel, are now under study.

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