January 2012 Newsletter

Dear IPA Members...

On this special occasion, I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year on behalf of the IPA Board of Directors. For all our members and their families, I wish health, prosperity and a lot of pleasure at work.

May also this year be a year of positive growth and development for the oil and gas industry in Indonesia and a year of hope and success to us all.

As you may see in this edition of IPA newsletter, the IPA has been conducting many activities and new initiatives in 2011. The IPA organized the biggest IPA Annual Convention and Exhibition ever held in 2011 and took strategic steps to convey industry’s key messages and concerns for the development of oil and gas industry in Indonesia.

In this 4th edition of IPA newsletter, you may find a special section on the Professional Division Activities which promote and facilitate the transfer of technical information and advancing new technologies to individuals and companies working in the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia.

In 2011, the IPA Board and Committees have conducted numerous meetings and have initiated advocacy efforts with Government Authorities and the DPR to try to resolve industry’s issues and challenges. We have made the government aware of the challenges facing the industry as well as the challenges and expectations of both domestic and foreign investors.

We believe that the Industry is now in urgent need for the government of Indonesia to create the positive investment climate that is needed to increase investment and production, and the IPA is well placed to work collaboratively with the government to meet the challenges ahead for the benefit of Indonesia, its people and all industry stakeholders.

We hope for the best in 2012. The government is trying to implement policies that foster Indonesia’s economic growth and because oil and gas investment, from initial investment to production, can take a significant number of years, it is important for the right policies to be put in place now in order to secure Indonesia’s future energy security.

As the primary source of credible information and the representative association for the industry in Indonesia, the IPA is ready to work closely with respective government institutions to achieve our mutual objectives, we need to bring valuable information to all the stakeholders and act as problem solver.

I am confident that with the same solidarity among the members we had in 2011, constructive debates and positive behaviours, we can impact favourably our environment and make 2012 a successful year.

I wish you an informative and enjoyable reading of this newsletter and look forward to seeing you at the 36th IPA Convention and Exhibition on 23rd - 25th May 2012 at the JCC and at various other IPA events and gatherings during 2012!


Elisabeth Proust

IPA Officer


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